Market Demand Analysis, Concept Development and Viability Studies
Current and future markets represent opportunities and constraints. We can help you analyse markets and structure your product or service in a way that best responds to them.
We can give you, and, where needed, your funders an independent assessment of whether your plans will work and the risks you face along the way.
Investment Appraisal and Business Planning
Should you put your money and time into a new business idea?
Can you expect others to invest? Or lend you money?
We can help you to develop your business plans, prepare estimates of development costs and future earnings and determine what return you can expect on your investment.​
Support for Planning Applications with Expert Reports
Planning regimes present hurdles that can bog you down or even stop you. We have a good appreciation of planning law and policy and can support a planning application with a specialist report arguing the case for or against a particular development. Our experience ranges from viability issues on change of use in support of applications to planning authorities to support for waste recovery permits from the Environment Agency.
Expert Witness at Tribunals, Inquiries and Hearings
We have prepared and presented expert witness evidence in litigation cases and at planning inquiries and rent appeal tribunals.
Master Planning and Strategy Studies
The scope here is wide - from advising on the sports and recreation needs of a proposed new town development to tourism strategies built around visitor attractions and sports facilities. We have been commissioned by public sector clients to prepare tourism strategy studies both for domestic and overseas tourism markets and for general as well as sports specific niches.
Operational Support and Product Repositioning and Diversification​
Leisure businesses need to move with the times. We can help them to reinvent themselves, their services or products to keep pace with market trends. We take an independent and dispassionate view and our advice reflects the realities of the situation and points the way forward on a realistic and achievable path.
Business Purchase Due Diligence​
Are you planning the purchase or development of a leisure business?
We can help you to carry out commercial due diligence of target purchases.